Today we will tell you several of the new features we have applied to
the property form
improve your experience
by adding the information of
your properties
in Witei.
  1. We've
    redesigned the style of the labels
    to add them to your properties:
  • You can
    add and remove tags
    from your properties in a simpler and easier way.
  • You can
    choose multiple tags
    from the same
    of options.
  • You can see and use
    suggested tags
    by Witei depending on the
    of your property.
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If this is your first time
using the tags
of your properties,
accede aquƭ para aprender mƔs.
  1. We've
    increased the height of the description field
    for your properties:
  • You will have the possibility to
    see more fully the description and additional details
    that you add of your property.
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If this is the first time you
create and add the features
of a property,
accede aquĆ­ para descubrir toda la informaciĆ³n que puedes aƱadir.
  1. We have
    reorganized the energy fields
    of the property form:
  • You will see that the energy fields are
    located in a new section of the form
    of the property. In addition, if you add
    energy consumption
    CO2 emission
    without the corresponding certificate, we recommend
    leaving the field
    blank while
    the certificate is being processed.
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We hope you find
these improvements we've made
useful to
the property form.
If you have any questions related to these news, do not hesitate to contact us
via chat,
we are at your disposal for
whatever you need.
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